Sunday, May 31, 2009

Disturbing News

I just read the disturbing news about the murder of abortionist Dr. George Tiller. The news disturbs me because this is not the way at all to bring about a culture of life. We bring about a culture of life through love and prayer and example, not through acts of violence such as this. Not only is this a bad example and image, but it deprives Dr. Tiller of the opportunity for conversion. Please pray for the repose of his soul!

Here is a news story about the murder.

Here is Fr. Frank Pavone's statement about this news.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What Can I Do?

Hello everyone! I know I’ve been gone for a while, but now I’m back with more to say, and, hopefully, God-willing, to inspire.

The world today can seem bleak for life. The news can seem bleak… as we hear about new pro-abortion policies being passed, new tragedies occurring around the world. It is easy for us to feel helpless, like there is nothing we can do. It is understandable that we may want to hide from the news, and focus instead on our own lives. However, this is not the course we are called towards…

I recently spoke with a friend of mine who is studying journalism. She shared her frustration with how little people in the US care about the news, and how so many people today ignore what is going on in the world.

She reminded me of what people can do about the news.

People can become aware of what is going on, and share this with others. If people do not know that atrocities are occurring, how are people going to stop them?

If you do not know what is going on, how do you know whether you can do something? Perhaps, seeing the news, you will be inspired to help a cause. You may see personally a way you can help. Or maybe you will see a solution to a problem that others do not see, and can share your idea with others. Or perhaps you will share the story with someone who will be inspired.

Finally, most fundamentally and basically, we can pray. If we do not know what is going on in the world, how can we know what to pray for? God listens closely to our specific intentions. If we know what is happening in the world, we can offer up our intentions for the specific sufferings in the world. We can even offer up our little daily sufferings for these larger sufferings in the world.

Fr. Frank Pavone recently said that people need to get angry about what is going on, so that they will have the energy to do what needs to be done. He reminded Christians that like the Good Samaritan, they are called not to ask ‘What will happen to me if I help someone?’, but rather, ‘What will happened to that person if I don’t help them?’.

Today I saw this video of an elderly priest being arrested at the University of Notre Dame while standing up for life. Seeing the video made me sorrowful for the state of America, the state of the world. It made me want to do something. It inspired me to write this blog entry. What can you be inspired to do?