Monday, December 29, 2008

Brave New Year

As the new year approaches, so do many new challenges from the culture of death. The press has made another attempt to undermine the family, with a Newsweek article trying to use scripture to defend gay marriage. A new president will soon take office in the United States, a president who has promised to sign the Freedom of Choice Act, an act that will do a great deal to spread abortion and undo many advances of the pro-life movement.

However, a new year can also be an opportunity. An opportunity for those who believe in a culture of life to make a difference. People reject Christianity today in part because Christians do not live their faith. They view Christians as a bunch of blind fools trying to follow a set of fixed rules. However, if Christians worked harder at trying to learn their faith, at trying to live the message that they claim to believe, the world would be a much different, better place.

Even if you are not Christian, but still believe in a culture of life, you can take greater effort to live what you believe. Often I hear “pro-choice” people claim that pro-lifers have a problem of inflicting their beliefs on others. I believe that the problem in society is people not having the courage to inflict their beliefs on themselves. If some one really believes something, he should try his best to apply his understanding to his own life. And if he really cares about the people around him, and he believes that they are hurting themselves, he should do his best to help them out of love.

This year, challenge yourself to better understand and live out what you believe in. For if you truly understand what you believe, you will want to live it, and share your understanding with the world.

Have courage, and hold fast to the truth!

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